Monday, May 7, 2012

Script to Check the load of webserver and Restart Services

The script below is done in Bash, which can be used across all Linux platforms. The function of the script is to check the web-server load and restart the normal services which reduces the load. It restarts apache and mysql. You can custom this to restart your services.

1. Navigate to /root.
$ cd /root

2. Create a new file
$ vim
$ vi

3. Insert the following lines to the file
LOAD=`uptime|awk '{print $10}'|cut -d, -f1 |cut -d. -f1`
if [ $LOAD -ge 50 ]
killall -9 mysqld
killall -9 mysqld
killall -9 mysqld
killall -9 httpd
killall -9 httpd
killall -9 httpd
for SEMID in `ipcs -s httpd| awk '{print $2}'| grep -iv sem`; do ipcrm -s $SEMID; done
/etc/init.d/httpd start
sleep 20
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
echo high load $LOAD at `date`, mysql/apache restarted >> /usr/monitor/mysql.log

4.  Give execute permission.
$ chmod 755

5. Set a cron to check it at regular intervals.
$ crontab -e
*/5 * * * * sh -x
(This will check every 5 minutes)


Sujoy dhar said...

what is the process usage in this ?

is it this ?

if [ $LOAD -ge 50 ]

Unknown said...

This will alert only if load is greater than 50

Unknown said...

This will alert only if load is greater than 50

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