Download the Tesseract-ocr package at
Choose the different packages you want, named "tesseract-2.00.XX.tar.gz" where "XX"
represents the language you want.
Now open a terminal and go to the folder containing your lastest downloads with the command "cd".
You need to run the next commands to install OCR Tesseract : ($> represents the prompt of your terminal)
$>tar –xvzf tesseract-2.00.tar.gz
$>cd tesseract-2.00
$>sudo make install
$>tar –xvzf tesseract-2.00.XX.tar.gz ("XX" represents the prefix language)| do it
$>sudo cp ./tessdata/* /usr/local/share/tessdata/ | for each language archive |
$>rm –rf tessdata
Now that you have OCR tesseract on your computer, you can try it with these commands:
$>tesseract phototest.tif test
$>cat test.txt "test.txt" contains the same text than the picture "phototest.tif".
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