Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Zen Cart Installation

Zen Cart is an online store management system. It is PHP-based, using a MySQL database and HTML components. Support is provided for numerous languages and currencies, and it is freely available under the GNU General Public License.

1)Log into cpanel of the server
2)Under the menu Software/Services select Fantastico de Luxe
3)Under the menu E-Commerce you can find an option called Zen Cart, click on it to begin installation.
4)Click on New installation from the menu
5)Select the domain from the drop down menu to select the domain where the installation has to be done.
6)Leave the install directry blank if u want to install in document root, else give the folder name.
7)Give the username and password and click on the Install Zen Cart button
8)In the next screen you will be given the links to the zen cart admin area along with username and password.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Installing phpBB in LINUX

phpBB is a popular Internet forum package written in the PHP scripting language. The name "phpBB" is an abbreviation of PHP Bulletin Board. Available under the GNU General Public License, phpBB is free and open source software.

Note: Install LAMP before doing this. If its a cpanel server you can install it via fantastico.

1) cd /usr/local/src

2) Download the pakage from

3)tar -xjf phpBB-3.0.4.tar.bz2

4)mv phpBB3/ /var/www/html/ or the correct document root set in your server.

5)mv phpBB3 forums

6)Setup MYSQL
#mysqladmin -u root password 'passwordyouwant'
#mysql -u root -p
Create the new phpbb database:
create database phpbb;

Create new user and password for database:
grant all privileges on phpbb.* to username identified by ‘password‘;
grant all privileges on phpbb.* to username@localhost identified by ‘password‘;

Flush the privileges:
flush privileges;

Test the mySQL Setup:

#mysql -u username -p
enter password here
show databases;
The result should look similar to this:
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| test |
| phpbb |
4 rows in set (0.29 sec)

8)Take the browser and go to http://ip/forum

9)We have to give chmod 777 to that folder and its contents inside.
Follow the steps in the browser and procced.
I sucessfully installed phpBB using these steps. For more information you may also refer:

Lost minimise panel in Fedora ??

You can recover the lost minimise panel by adding a new panel by rigt clicking the existing panel on top and select new panel.
Right click on the new panel, select "Add to panel...". From the window that opens, select "Windows List" and click the Add button.
That's are back in business.

Install Google Chrome with YUM

1) Enable Google YUM repository
 Add following to /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file:
Note:type uname -a to find out if your fedora is 32 bit or 64 bit. 

If 32 bit then add the following line in /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file.
name=Google - i386
If 64 bit then add the following line in /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file.
name=Google - x86_64

2) Now we can use yum install command to install.

For Stable version
yum install google-chrome-stable
For beta version
yum install google-chrome-beta

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lost GRUB while installing windows ? Here is the solution.

GRUB (short for GNU GRand Unified Bootloader) is a boot loader package from the GNU Project. GRUB is the reference implementation of the Multiboot Specification, which provides a user the choice to boot one of multiple operating systems installed on a computer or select a specific kernel configuration available on a particular operating system's partitions.

Here is how:
1. Boot the system from DVD.
2. Choose Repair Installed System
3. System Installation and Update
4. Choose Boot system -> this will give you $ prompt
5. login as root
6. Enter this command: grub-install --recheck <root partition>
7. In most <root partition> is /dev/hda

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Installing Flash in Firefox (Mozilla)

1. Take a Terminal.

   2. Become root user:
      su -

   3. Install the Adobe repository for yum:
      yum --nogpgcheck install

   4. Type:
      yum install --exclude=AdobeReader* flash-plugin nspluginwrapper.{i686,x86_64} pulseaudio-libs.i686 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686 libcurl.i686

   5. To see the plugin in Firefox, by typing:
      mozilla-plugin-config -i -g -v

   6. If you are running Firefox. Quit and take it again or restart Firefox.

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